About Us
Helmsdale & Kinbrace Free Church of Scotland is a Jesus-centered Christian church rooted in the love of God and His biblical teaching. As disciples of Christ we strive to apply His teachings to our everyday lives and express God's love in everything we do.
Following the recent departure of our minister Rev. Roddy Macrae, we are currently vacant. Our Interim Moderator is John Angus Macleod, an elder at Thurso & North Coast Free Church, who is currently responsible for the spiritual wellbeing of our congregation and organising visiting preachers.
Our prayer meetings are held on a Thursday evening at the church building, except for the first Thursday of the month, when we visit Brora Free Church for a joint prayer meeting focussing on our proposed linkage.​
We hold a number of youth activities throughout the year, an annual summer camp and also Sunday school available for children 12 years and under.
The Golspie, Brora & Helmsdale Youth Fellowship offers a fun and relaxed environment for teenagers to meet and explore Christianity.
The main emphasis of our beliefs can be summarised in the headings below:
A Bible Church
A Gospel Church
A Mission Church
A Contemporary Church
As a consequence, in all of our congregations each Sunday you will hear the same wonderful message explained from the Bible and applied to everyday life: Jesus Christ, both fully God and fully human, came into the world to seek out and rescue lost, sinful men and women, by bearing their guilt and condemnation on his Cross and rising again to life in victory over sin and death and hell. Because of him Christians live transformed lives. It is this message, far more than any historic or cultural distinctive, that defines us.
Why not find out more here:- Free Church of Scotland