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The tithes and donations you make to Helmsdale & Kinbrace Free Church of Scotland make a difference to our church, our community, and the causes we support.

As well as the traditional collection box there are alternative methods of giving as shown below.


“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9).


To make a bank transfer our details are;

Helmsdale & Kinbrace Free Church of Scotland

Bank of Scotland 

Sort Code 80-15-82

Account No. 00119974


If you'd prefer to pay using PayPal simply click on the link below where you'll be offered the option of making a one-off or a regular donation.

Gift Aid Logo.jpeg

Can we claim back an additional 25p for every £1 you donate?

If you are able to Gift Aid your donation click on the link below to complete a Gift Aid form or click here to download a printable version and give it to our Treasurer

Helmsdale & Kinbrace Free Church of Scotland

Glebe Terrace, Helmsdale, Sutherland, KW8 6LE

Charity No. SC038149

©2022 by Helmsdale & Kinbrace Free Church of Scotland.

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